Your sisterhood is waiting for you

We’re stronger, connected

Have you ever felt a longing…to belong?

As women, we are wired for connection. And the ancient practice of sitting together in sacred circles provided us with the container we needed for the feminine to flourish, heal and create.

Over time, the magic of this practice was lost in a male-dominated world.

And now, we’re harnessing its power once again.

Together, we rise

Welcome, sister.

Because you’re about to become part of an unstoppable tribe of powerful women from every corner of the world. Women who see the brilliance in you, who celebrate your unique gifts and supercharge your inner power.

You’re about to forge wild, raw, holy connections with a family you never knew you had within the magic of the SheCircle.

It’s high time for us to unlock our divine feminine force and not only survive, but thrive.

Sister, We’re Here To Help You Reclaim Your Divine Feminine Power

Introducing She Circle

A SheCircle is beautifully simple, but incredibly profound.

In a nutshell, women’s circles are special, sacred environments where women sit together in a circle around a central altar. The altar is often a visually calming arrangement which can be flower arrangements, crystals, and candles.

SheCircles are held both in person and online, allowing women to connect with their Soul Sisters no matter where they find themselves.

Within the sacred circle, you will be encouraged, but never forced, to openly express yourself with the group; talk, share, and listen with an open heart to the other women in the circle. There is no judging or preaching present in the circle, and what happens within it, stays within it.

There is nothing you can do right or wrong in a SheCircle. Come as you are, and you will be seen and held by your sisters

Meet your facilitator

About Sira

Meet Sira, a fiery feminine life coach who has touched the lives of hundreds of women around the globe.

As a passionate facilitator of hundreds of female empowerment events, Sira originally set out on a mission to rekindle the embers of women’s circles for her own healing.

Feeling the missing magic of female solidarity and support, Sira craved the ancestral connection she knew would support her own transformation. Over time, Sira began to call in sisters that were craving the same. Pushing through her self-doubt, Sira committed herself to leading her first intimate SheCircle of conscious women just over four years ago.

And the rest, as they say, is herstory.

Today, Sira holds SheCircles all over the world on a weekly basis. The SheCircle’s rapid growth serves as a testament to how much feminine-kind longs to reconnect. And ever the bold dreamer, Sira isn’t stopping there.

“My dream is to see the SheCircle spread to every corner of the world,” says Sira. “It’s my heart’s desire that the SheCircle becomes available and accessible to every single woman on the planet, in her location and her language. Because ultimately, we need each other more than we know.”

You Might Have Seen Sira At



Woman Coached

She Circle

Founder of She Circle at Mindvalley


Mindvalley Programs Facilitated


Countries Traveled

Are you ready to rise with us?


What You’ll Gain

An awakening of your dormant feminine power

Access to a supportive, like-minded sisterhood

Time for self-love and self-care

Healing and empathy

Spiritual growth and emotional intelligence

This Is For You If You Are…

Is searching for sisterhood

Wants authentic, conscious connection

Is curious and open to exploring her divine feminine Has a desire to reconnect with their femininity

Is prepared to access and contribute to collective feminine wisdom

Knows she's stronger together with like-minded Queens who have her back

Upcoming SheCircles


March 13 | Online

Theme: The Art of Feminine Presence
Time: 8 PM KL Time

Zoom Link on Telegram Group


March 27 | Online

Theme: Stay Tuned
Time: 8 PM KL Time

Zoom Link on Telegram Group



  • No, the SheCircle is absolutely for free for everyone.

  • Never. The SheCircle is a safe space, and no photos or videos will be taken unless we have permission to do so.

  • No. You can come as you are. If you wish to create a space that inspires you, you can choose to light a candle or wear something that makes you feel feminine.


Are you ready to rise with us?